[Self-released] Two sides of Mr Hignell’s [post=”daniel-alexander-hignell-soundscape-study-001″ text=”oeuvre-coin”] here – first, his math-rock (ish) band affair, and second his more ambient/home listening outings. Some Cartographers is the hopefully final name the band previously known at various points in the last six months as (deep breath) Bygrayvpartynmyrytarm, Tourist killed in Shark attack and Mockery Goggles. I’m not sure if it’s me being a miserable bastard or if the song […]
Daily archives: 15/06/2011
Spectrum Spools I saw someone head-butted over an album like this. Well, I say headbutt but I’m guessing it was more an headglance, a floppy-haired headslash, a vaguely embittered coming together between two Kosmische fans with half an eye on the past and a bellyful of animal tranquilisers. I’m paraphrasing, but it seemed as if Kosmische Fan 1 (you know what he looked like) was angry at Kosmische […]
Daddytank Hangin’ Freud‘s Sunken has been lurking around like an illicit bruise on the interwires for a while now. And now it’s got a proper release on a CD, the sleeve all soft-focus dirty purpley hues and malevolence. The release made me quite pleased, for two reasons: first, I forget to listen to things if they’re not physically in front of me; second, it’s too good to be […]
Innova Lukas Ligeti: Paris Hilton of c21st avant-garde. No, that’s bollocks. I just wanted to say it. I did pick this CD up because György Ligeti is one of my favourite composers, and Lukas is his son. But, save for a striking similarity in surname, there’s only glib, superficial similarities between father and son: bits of Pattern Time could bear a passing resemblance to Ligeti Sr’s “Movimento Preciso […]
Room 40 John Chantler hasn’t released any significant solo albums for seven years and The Luminous Ground suggests he’s spent that time wrestling with his machines until, finally, he’s given up and has let them speak for themselves, twisted electronic entrails and all. The album opens with a peak-experience rush of oscillation, no gently evolving crescendos here, we’re thrust right into the eye of the storm; wave upon […]
[Self-released] Ok, cards on the table: my cards are not metal. In the game of music, I picked up a ‘go straight to noise, do not pass metal’ card in my teens. I’ve picked up on a few things here and there since – you know, the sedate stuff. Agorophobic Nosebleed or whatever. All fun and games. I wouldn’t say metal wasn’t my cup of tea. But I […]