25 August 2013 en-coun-ter (en-koun-ter): To come upon or meet with. (Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English encountren < Anglo-French enco ( u ) ntrer; Old French < Vulgar Latin *incontrāre, equivalent to in- in-1 + –contrāre, derivative of contrā against) Hynekian System of Classification: ‘Close encounter of the third kind’ – […]
Daily archives: 28/08/2013
2 posts
Exotic Pylon 8-bit razor blade. Bedsit basement dwellers. Darkness on the edge of town. Hoofus makes music from the Animal Collective unconscious, slimy grimy retroactive electronic improvisations from the wilds of rural Norfolk. Here’s a snappy soundbyte from the press release: Hoofus performs and records electronic improvisations from the undergrowth […]