Cyclic Law You can never rely on the bloody British weather. Given that until last week April had been unseasonably cold and damp – a fifteen-minute walk from Brockley Station felt more like battling against the January elements than revelling in the joyous unfolding of spring – I was hoping that a small silver lining to such a meteorological cloud might be the right atmospheric conditions .
Daily archives: 24/04/2018
Feeding Tube / Public House Daniel Wilson, who operates under the nom de plume Meadow House, is one of the great English eccentrics. As well as being part of improv quartet Oscillatorial Binnage, releasing the intriguing Radionics Radio and acting as Resonance FM‘s composer-in-residence for 2014, he has operated a mediadropping scheme for the last twenty years.
Tonometer Music Christian Skjødt‘s Illumination LP was commissioned for an installation of the same name he constructed at the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia in Riga in 2014. Released on 10″ clear vinyl and digitally, each side is exactly twelve minutes long, and captures a slice in time from the ten solar-powered analogue circuits which he had installed to resonate around the dome of an eighteenth century […]