Conspiracy International Sonically, Cosey Fanni Tutti‘s Tutti LP surfs in there with smeary cornet across tight electronic zip-wires. The canvas is full of Torvill and Dean ice slides and squishy purcussive skids, ingredients that send your brain in prism(ing)multiples.
Daily archives: 08/02/2019
Mas-Kina Recordings If you buy one grind album this year… I mean, I’ll be honest, I don’t really follow grind besides occasionally listening to a record or a playlist here and there. So this is fairly likely to be fairly close to the top of my best of grind releases. But I digress. Things that are great about “extreme” metal: it’s preposterous; it is fast; it involves shouting […]
Consouling Sounds Massimo Pupillo and Stefano Pillia are both doyens of the Italian underground scene and are serial collaborators. Here they merge their distinctive sounds with the aid of some female vocal assistance to produce an album of wonderful tones that, thanks to some exquisite production, just seems to seep from the speakers into the room and surround the listener in a gentle cocoon.
London 29 January 2019 A couple of months ago, the world lost perhaps its greatest showman, the driving force behind the creation of an entire universe: Stan Lee. Today, his creations and co-creations are everywhere — on our TV screens, at the cinema, in book stores and adorning all types of clothing, from socks to baseball caps. His influence on the world of popular culture was massive. As […]