One Little Indian The beats might be more machine tooled than salvaged these days, but Test Dept still haven’t lost any of that rage or taste for addressing injustice. This return to form is snarling at the usual subjects, the dirty end of capitalism and its bankrupt ideologies.
Daily archives: 28/02/2019
3 posts
Enraptured Enraptured Records must be in their twenty-fifth or twenty-sixth year now, and although things seem to have gone a little quiet on their front over the last few years, Coldharbourstores are still flying the flag for them and are back after a mere three years with their follow-up to 2016’s Wilderness. With Graham Sutton back behind the desk again
Version Studio Swedish duo A Swarm Of The Sun have been together for a good ten years or so, but this latest album is their first since 2015. Erik Nilsson, guitarist and pianist of the duo, is also chief of Version Studio Records, the group’s label; and vocalist Jakob Berglund arranged the beautifully monochromatic artwork, all snowy forestscapes and misty moods.