Aurora Borealis Gold Are The Ashes Of The Restorer evokes an eldritch combination of screaming wind-tunnel black metal and epicly bombastic post-post-rock of the Explosions In The Sky variety. Given Mories De Jong‘s penchant for all things bleakly symphonic and immensely mordant-sounding, that seems like a fair starting point for beginning to describe just how much of a rinsing-out Golden Ashes give the listeners’ collective brainpan here.
Daily archives: 24/05/2019
Discus For Discus‘s eightieth release, Martin Archer has decided to go solo again, while also attempting to reproduce some of the sounds of his hornweb sax quartet that was active between 1983 and 1993. Not only that, it appears also as a kind of love letter to those saxophonists that have influenced him over the years of his playing, from the likes of Paul Desmond and Lester Young […]
London 3-5 May 2019 Friday: Gary The May bank holiday is normally a time for the revival of pagan customs in Britain. These can be found from local village morris dancers to the crowning of the May Queen in Glastonbury. For a few days, Britain takes on the stance of people being an extra in The Wicker Man while also drowning their innards in vast quantities of booze.
KrysaliSound The latest release from Tropic Of Coldness is their first for KrysaliSound and builds on the slow motion soundscapes of 2018’s Framed Waves. Spread over four gently undulating pieces, Maps Of Reason unfolds at a pace that is beyond leisurely, and serves to lull the listener with its subtle washes and natural movement.