Dio Drone / Dirter Promotions About a year ago, we discussed a pioneering piece of Harvard University research, Thorsten A Cardy’s 2005 work “An Experimental Field Study of Ambient And Drone Based Music on Temporal Perception in Higher Mammals”. (The Annals of the American Academy of Auditory Zoology), which demonstrated how extreme ambient / drone music stimulates the part of the brain called Shatner’s Bassoon, which is the […]
Daily archives: 31/07/2019
3 posts
Hubro The title and track names for Exoterm‘s first album read like stage directions or parts of a screenplay, and the atmospheres that they produce over the course of the six tracks on Exits Into A Corridor are dark and foreboding but suffused with a giddy mania.
Dreaming Of Ghosts is the pairing of Robot Koch and Fiora and their second single appears in the form of the Shallow Water EP, which is released on 2 August via Trees and Cyborgs. The track is remixed by Hamburg’s Skyence (Modularfield), and comes from Dreaming Of Ghost’s forthcoming debut album.