Ipecac What a mouth watering prospect: two parts Cop Shoot Cop, one of whom was in Swans; one part Swans and one part Unsane. You just know that Human Impact is going to be one of those slinky New York vengeance bands that prowl the darkened streets, an eye out for trouble and a savage way of dealing with any they come across.
Daily archives: 20/03/2020
2 posts
Jazzland After 2019’s Dark Star Safari, Eivind Aarset and Jan Bang once again find themselves back in the studio and still pushing the boundaries of recognised musical form. Although it doesn’t quite have the subliminal quality of that album, Snow Catches On Her Eyelashes is heading in a different direction, still exploring space and texture, but paring the sounds down to electronics, samples and guitar — although you […]