Phantom Limb These Charms May Be Sung Over A Wound is the first album that Richard Skelton has released that is not through his own label, and is a continuation of his journey towards the perfection of a certain sort of elemental soundscape. Although the titles of the pieces contained here refer to Anglo-Saxon “leechdoms” or remedies, for me they are not just bound to the earth, but […]
Daily archives: 28/09/2020
2 posts
Big Potato (Europe) / Graveface (North America) There is a sense of joy to the cheesy fairground keyboards that open up Moon Attendant‘s debut album One Last Summer. The gentle drums and sleepy vocal delivery full of secrets give this first track a sense of a bedsit Squeeze, with a window overlooking the Brighton seafront and a view of the spring tides through lace-curtained windows. That warm charm […]