Ala Bianca The latest release from Sicilian percussionist Alfio Antico finds him staring out form the rural cover like a nineteenth century mesmerist, his gaze unyielding as he prepares to draw us in to his unique soundworld of sung-spoken folk tales set against the musical wealth of his players and […]
Daily archives: 01/04/2021
3 posts
Kindarad Those of you who’ve been following MXLX (he of Fairhorns, Knife Library, very etc) will know he’s a slippery bugger. His earlier days — mostly characterised by the now-defunct Team Brick project — went through a series of phases, sometimes in the same gig, pulling in stimmy noise, klezmer-after-burial, […]
Discus For Treppenwitz‘s third musical adventure, the trio set up in a living room and pressed record to see what could be captured over the course of two days’ improvisation. That sense of intimacy and immediacy is perfectly captured on this document that finds them further blurring the boundaries that […]