Carton Records and Coax Records have jointly released Betel by French musician JF Riffaud, also known as RIFO. The album draws on the music of sub-Saharan Africa such as that of Sunny Ade or Flamme Kapaya as much as being influenced by American primitivists and minimalists from John Fahey to Tony Conrad via Morton Subotnick.
Monthly archives: August 2021
El Studio 444 and REBOOT Q: What do you get when you cross a twee pop No Wave band, a post-industrial noise outfit, and some Universal Indians, what do you get? A: Nowhere close to anything you’d expect, whatever that might be. “Is that supposed to be some sorta joke?” you may be asking yrself. No, more like a truism, a reminder that the subtle, magical art of […]
Thrill Jockey William Tyler‘s folky Americana has graced releases by Lambchop and Silver Jews as well as his increasingly assured solo releases. Marisa Anderson treads similar ground on her own records, although the recent collaboration with drummer Jim White did lead down some exciting improv avenues. The eight tracks presented on Lost Futures rely on the interplay of Marisa and William’s differing approaches to the guitar, William often […]
Cleopatra Nouvelle Vague‘s Marc Collin adopts a fly-on-the-wall approach with Le Choc du Futur to transport you back in time to a synthetic studio in 1978, peeling back the years to remind us why electronic music truly matters. It’s difficult, if not perhaps impossible, to truly maintain a perspective on the past, especially in regards to technology. Technology that is now commonplace, like holographic projectors or virtual reality, […]
The next step for Invictus Hi-Fi after the release of their Market Deities album earlier in 2021 is a video for the bonus track “Delete”.
(self-released) Mr Diagonal‘s latest album is a curious thing, coming on like the strange musical of a landlocked dreamer forever yearning for the tropical shores of the Pacific. On the cover, he sits clutching a six-string ukulele, straw hat and cut-offs, but appears to be in a launderette or somewhere equally mundane, with a faraway look in his eye and a bottle of rum by his side.
Happy Robots Records have announced the release on 24 September 2021 of the new full-length album from Mood Taeg, about whose Exophora disc Mr Olivetti noted “an obvious love for all things motorik and German-influenced, but reflected in a modern and rather charmingly effervescent style that brims with repetitive joy” at Freq. The title of their second album, Anaphora
Thrill Jockey Cécile Schott seems to have taken the opportunity on this latest Thrill Jockey album to go fully retro electronic with the likes of the Yamaha Reface, Roland Space Echo and Moog Grandmother being given the chance to glimmer in the dusty twilight that abounds on The Tunnel And The Clearing. Spread across seven tracks and encompassing the kind of plunky Latin rhythms that are so redolent […]
Finders Keepers The second of Steven Stapleton’s personal picks from his Nurse With Wound list collects together a host of lesser-known German contenders and proceeds to chuck you off the eclectic deep end from the offset. The album opens with a healthy dose of Wolfgang Dauner, whose “Output” is a crumbled stiltskin of a track that sonically scrambles
RVNG intl. Rachika Nayar‘s follow up to the recent Our Hands Against The Dusk is a gorgeous little series of bedroom snippets, a dozen flights of guitar fancy that trade chiming circular motifs against delicate picking, with the odd churn of lower register adding a touch of melancholy here and there. Those circular motifs are so pretty, though, that the tone rings purely and they swoop around your […]
Discobole Surnatural Orchestra saxophonist Nicolas Stephan‘s idea for the Paar Linien project was to interweave contradictory lines in one piece of music to see how they worked together. Enlisting assistance from Basil Naudet on alto sax and guitar, Louis Freres on bass and drummer Augustin Bette, they take off into the hinterland between Chicago-style post rock and the freer stylings of the likes of Ornette Coleman. This just gives […]
Discus Wandering trumpeter and member of the extended London Improvisers Orchestra, Charlotte Keeffe‘s first solo album finds her drawing together various facets of her abilities, ranging from her solo trumpet improvisation via her jazz quartet recordings through to the sprawling conduction of the pieces she has arranged for the LIO. What holds all these disparate pieces together is Charlotte’s shining love of the trumpet and the mysterious roads […]