El Studio 444 and REBOOT Q: What do you get when you cross a twee pop No Wave band, a post-industrial noise outfit, and some Universal Indians, what do you get? A: Nowhere close to anything you’d expect, whatever that might be. “Is that supposed to be some sorta joke?” you may be asking yrself. No, more like a truism, a reminder that the subtle, magical art of […]
Daily archives: 25/08/2021
2 posts
Thrill Jockey William Tyler‘s folky Americana has graced releases by Lambchop and Silver Jews as well as his increasingly assured solo releases. Marisa Anderson treads similar ground on her own records, although the recent collaboration with drummer Jim White did lead down some exciting improv avenues. The eight tracks presented on Lost Futures rely on the interplay of Marisa and William’s differing approaches to the guitar, William often […]