London, 15 November 2021 The sense of anticipation was immense, bathed in a blue haze, monitors staring out of it like Ewok eyes, the stage remaining empty as the words “Dream the name and I will answer to it” breeze in, tantalised in sparse flickerings and occasional birdsong roughed by the distinctive rub of a cement mixer.
Daily archives: 19/11/2021
Discus Jan Todd‘s third outing as Frostlake finds her appearance as part of The Orchestra Of The Upper Atmosphere lending a warmer and more open feel to this double-length collection when compared to the icier, more dramatic Ice And Bone from 2019. There is a lightness and an airiness to her voice this time around that brings to mind the first shoots of spring bringing to an end the […]
London 13 November 2021 It feels very strange returning (and especially reviewing) live music again after nearly a two-year absence. Some things have changed, but much was the same as before. The big thing was the crowd reaction; and starved of live music for so long, people seemed hungry to see their favourite bands again. Maybe we won’t take live music for granted and support many of the […]
Greyfade Christopher Otto has clearly read the twentieth century composer’s guide to nicking ideas from the East, and leans heavily on knowledge of just intonation. But this debut release isn’t one of those superficial “exotic” borrowings (when do we get to lay into Terry Riley for that, by the way?) and probably has more to do with the kind of tonal particularly of Horatiu Radulescu than any mid-twentieth […]