Sunshine pours out of these fourteen tracks, and although they were all penned by Yosef with assistance from producer Gilad Ronen, the input from the rest of the quartet is beyond essential. Soul Song's gentle, summery vibe is highlighted by Lionel's spidery guitar and the deft percussion that sits supporting all the other activity.
Daily archives: 10/08/2023
2 posts
Taas Kerran, Äkkiä combines traditional Finnish folk musician Hannu Saha, who plays the kantele (a type of Finnish zither) with the electronic music duo Pakasteet. A relatively new(ish) improv group which consists of Circle founder and Pharaoh Overlord member Jussi Lehtisalo swapping his usual bass for synths, drum machine and prepared zither with film director and visual artist friend Mika Taanila accompanying him on tapes and synth.