You can harness it to make music in many ways, from just observing it do its thing and occasionally tuning something, to rapid playing with knobs and switches as musical performance. Also, from a compositional point of view, the concentration on one source or one process at a time and the interaction between sources and processes within a network can be used as a template for structure and inspires articulation.
Daily archives: 30/10/2023
2 posts
This final section of a possible trilogy also coincided with his mother's passing and her spirit looms large over the proceedings, her recorded voice appearing at points, warmly recalling past events and putting the future into some perspective. Live, Murmurists can number as many as 100; but here for ithyphall.brel.gory is not the same as you, the players either cast as orators or musicians number into the thirties with some doubling up in both roles.