After scoring a resounding early success, with his debut Love At First Sight winning the Best First Feature Film award at the Cesars, Thomas Cailley slipped into television and writing with his frequent collaborator Victor Saint Macary. Almost a decade after his first film, he returns with The Animal Kingdom, a film that sells itself as a political sci-fi but is far from it, and all the better for it too.
Daily archives: 25/11/2023
When establishments come under new management there are sometimes doubts from the old clientele about whether it would be as good as it was before, whether it will have the same ambience and charm or even quirkiness. Tonight, a packed house at the Union Chapel has no doubts that this revamped Penguin Café still has everything that the old one did and has added some delicious extras as well.
That stop-start mania leaps at you right off the bat. They turn on the taps and liquid craziness assails us immediately; that searing acoustic drive, the internal rhythms and prettiness of the drums and guitar together, ever entwining and ever expanding, twisted into unexpected shapes. The cheval gallop, the occasional strut of the guitar or its dizzying cyclical patterns, or even the Spanish-inflected modesty. It is all here.