A night landscape of soil, mud, forests. Walls of intricate vegetation. A dense, humid atmosphere. Rain. The smell of swamps, rotten wood, decaying leaves. All senses are overwhelmed, and yet we’re not sure of what we hear: is it natural or artificial, almost mechanical?
So is described the Folium EP, John Sellekaers‘s second cassette for Oreille Gardée, following on from 2019’s Residual Broadcast and was recorded in Brussels from March to April 2021.
About the artist:
John Sellekaers (b. 1973) is a composer and producer. His first albums, as Xingu Hill, were released on Nova Zembla in the mid-nineties. Since then, John has written and recorded close to sixty records, often under aliases such as Night Sky Pulse, Feral Cities, Meeple, Xingu Hill and Dead Hollywood Stars.
His album Observer Effect was reviewed recently for Freq. “Feu de forêt” from the Folium EP is premiered below: