Felix Kubin – Jet-Lag Disco

Label: A-Musik Format: 3″ CD

Jet-Lag Disco - sleeve Combining Disco with toys seems like a fun idea, and Felix Kubin‘s Jet-Lag Disco likes its treble really reedy on top of some thumpingly mid bass kicks. Two thoughts spring immediately to mind – Alec Empire‘s hyper-bleepy Nintendo Teenage Robots project, but with more beats and structure, and the fact that this EP was intended for Kubin’s Japanese tour in early 2001.

So things chunder on at an accelerated pace, like computer game music but even more ridiculous – and from before the days when the latest in fashionable electonic music was used to sell the game. The tracks here are somehow more Sega Megadrive than Commodore 64 though, and demand aspirin and a nice lie down afterwards. There’s a spooky-bleepy synthalong whistle and rush through a faux spy movie end-title tune, and a nice touch is the spoken word telephone message from the CD cover artsist Maria Brillowska set to a drifting weave of plangent lo-fi electronics. There’s also the remix Kubin did for the second disc of People Like Us‘ now-deleted 2CD version of her Hate People Like Us album too, which swings off in a finely chimed, gurgling lo-fi shuffle.


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