Arbeit Schickert Schneider – A S S

Bureau B

Arbeit Schickert Schneider - A S SSome lovely head-spheres to had here; Bureau B have a penchant for headphoned fayre and this gem of new production that gathers together three renowned Berlin guitarists certainly hits the mark. A tirade of Neubauten‘s Jochen Arbeit, Ziguri‘s Günter Schickert and Schneider TM‘s Dirk Dresselhaus that literally dissolves into one cohesive whole, their usual weapons of choice circuit bent into a necropolis of simmering silica in a series of eerie instrumentals that daisy-chain into an explorative whole.

The first five tracks flying by, immersive, radiating – listerined washes nursed in distending apertures. When the beats hit, they turn things tractive, full of arabesquing vanishing points and droning afterglows. A sumptuous landscape that takes off in ley-lined intents, stickled scissors. This UFO-like whir cut-up in fidgety seizures and strobing strangeness.

By “Acetyl”  it’s breaking away in a dry percussive coffee cup coupled with warm shots of trumpet. A swirling skirt of trickling brass to a bo-jangle of spatulaized brittleness from which the full-bodied “Salicyl” throws things into a technoid spin. Its frippery of chords are caught on uptown traffic, strange flutings snaking the electronic salad, fluttering back into full focus on dancing sparks, leaving “Saüre” to close proceedings in spacey mirrors of sighing frets. A chilled cousin to the previous track, all crystal-capped  harmonica to a chopping tempo, pure chemistry flung far into the diminishing distance.

-Michael Rodham-Heaps-

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