This debut from French trio eat-girls is a bountiful beast as the dark-noted dirge-tastic drag of the opener (“On a Crooked Swing”) testifies. The male / female coin-flip of vocals slinking over the tightly hooked half-lit gloom. The mournful and whispery Malaria-like creep of “Unison” snaking all seductive in the ear, that nocturnal prowl of guitar lobe mauling as lyrics overspill, tip noisily to retract beautifully back on this lush lullabied afterglow.
eat-girls certainly dagger some satisfying dramatics. The slow and shadow-torn gothic of “3 Omens” circling your head in swaying keystrokes, misty with miraging vocals. A sweet intensity the atonal whir and EDM slam of “Trauschaft” notches you up from, to conjuring an outro to remember. A track daisy-chained in a lovely Bourbonese Qualk-like stutter as an early Clan Of Xymox delirium flaps darkly around – lazer-slit doomatics that guarantee plenty of replay.
-Michael Rodham-Heaps-