This probably isn’t the D.A.F. you’re thinking of. The lines aren’t clean, the electronics are sort of around but incidental and hidden in shards of guitar noise and (real) drum bashing. This isn’t even the D.A.F. of the “Kebab Traume” track on the C81 compilation which was a gateway drug of a track I fell in love with and which set me on a path to Neubauten and beyond (and back to Neu!, Can et al). I have the later, sweaty, electro albums (I’ll bet Nitzer Ebb had them too) and although I was expecting this re-release to be very different, I wasn’t expecting… this.
Oh, and yeah; I like this album. Did I forget to say? It’s a welcome surprise and a historical document to be cherished. My only regret is that the production /recording is too basic, too hollow; you get left with the feeling that to be there would have been amazing and that this collection might have been. Can’t someone clean this up?