The panoply writ “disruption” was cursed paratactically; or better, pastiche’s ante-noumen should imperatively be considered hypotactically. That is, without hesitation or compunction — res ipsa loquitur — but also mured qua violence (a tendril disavowed ‘twixt Richard of St Victor / Libidinal Economy).
Accelerationism is not merely an over-attributed peurility but better a topography of limbus puerorum, the taxonomy of an imbricated idiot / logos. It would be remiss to infer a palimpsest feint in that direction; rather this is a praxis sola scriptura, rave mathesis sui juris.
What here is solecist valorises its miscegenation; brawn / broń against a divested stable grammar of bangers. A collected hammer of heterodoxy. Ithaca stim. Vertiginous tempi as cathexis-toward-kenosis, an article of faith (although resolutely averse to such quotidian restitution). When I say “banger”, you say “fuck”. Where “rupture” insinuates a break, or a reflected staging of same, better to think of Justka’s craft qua lesion-autochthony, perhaps a benefaction of saprophytism; not so much re-cast destitution -> sodden phage-culture, rather a sibilant echolalia, a solitary monad functionally curried with the corpus, body, which is “the banger”.And which Babel, to re-draw ex nihilo — a sinuous narrative of homespun stim-aesthesia, each chirp-cierpnie wrought as if demiurge, or demi-urge. Sing antibody cataleptic, or jeremiad-curse against ill-freighted facsimile, not satirical but satyricist, perving on the in-dense-ity; seditious, sure, but pellucidly honest, and honestly pellucid.
“Influence” is a hegemonic, paralysing discourse; paralipomenic, the excessive, exo-saturate trace masque of identicate-terror. The chemo-emotional map says “FUCK YES” to this record; the map’s contours are ill-formed, its ports and borders osmotic. Κίρκη (Circe) which is serce which is also to say cardiac-mocking tempi which is also to say “FUCKING HAVE AT IT “which may also be to say BwO, but let’s not drift asunder precociously; not so much a “refined” record as a record primarily (and arguably primately) fined, made fine, slender and catatropic in remit but fatalistally committed to “the banger”, intubated. It may well be that my averance of banger is a labyrinthine metathesis, but really the act of listening’s autolysis — that is, subjecting itself to itself in the antichthon-ear “reviewer” — bares only callow remittance. Which is to say Justka’s record, ipso iure “banger”, acts as an aspirational (as in holotropic) exegesis on the rave synth, and only circumspectly that of its own logos, in the allegedly logocentrist #musicjournalism.Banger.
-Kev Nickells-
* This