The Sprummer has burst out in full bloom here in Blighty. That’s no typo. Spring forgot to happen this year, so we’re enjoying blossom trees and warmer evenings. Saying that, we had a hailstorm yesterday. Never the less we’re enjoying abundant daffodils growing in our parks and meadows. My Garden State is the perfect music to listen to whilst riding a bike and looking around at all this sprouting nature and being reminded that once again “Oh yer, summer actually exists!”
“Alcouer Gardens” starts with gentle roaring thunder, which on paper (computer screen?) might sound foreboding, but the sweet accompanying guitar gives us the impression that the dark times are rolling away in the distance and sunnier times are ahead. “My Garden State” is a little banjo ditty that flutters in and out like a garden butterfly. The title of “Like a Sick Eagle looking at the Sky” sounds like Glenn’s impression of guitarist Robbie Basho‘s last days on earth. It doesn’t get as deep as Basho, but hey, what other guitarist truly has? A Kickstarter campaign raising funds for a documentary about Robbie Basho has been started and if the trailer is any thing to go by, which features Glenn Jones, it truly deserves your support.
“Bergen Country Farewell” again has a goodbye quality to it, but this time there is not so much of a sad nostalgic quality like “Across the Tappan Zee,” but rather we’re trotting off down the Farewell road that we’re happy to go down. Finally ,”Chimes II” chimes us away from the cold garden porch.
Having seen Glenn perform in Paris in February 2011 I can tell you the graceful tone and sparkling flow heard on his albums translates loud and clear in the live setting. I’ve never seen another player with such a precise glossy sheen to their sound, like Jim O’Rouke’s sound on The Visitor but without the numerous over-dubs and studio effects.
He’ll be coming over to the UK and Europe in November, go check him out.
-Harry Wheeler-