Gigantic oxygen-snatching riffery, scorched parabolic vocals… Godflesh are back, as strong as ever. 2000’s Hymns seems in comparison a mild precursor to an all together heavier rebirth, something that June’s Decline And Fall EP hinted at. This is an unbelievably loud album even by Godflesh standards, a holy trinity of bass, guitar and drum machine whose energy is always pushing against its own thresholds without caring what lies beyond, escaping potential sink holes through sheer physical force.
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You definitely can’t avoid the sense that Broadrick and Green still feel the injustice, want to expel their frustrations; at one point it actually sounds like fists hitting metal walls, for heaven’s sake. Everything seems to be stung constantly in lashing currents, whips that tear at that straitjacket of austerity that privilege knows nothing of. An overbearing brutality that holds a mirror to the hatred that’s always greedy to feast on our better natures, taint our glowing achievements. An energy that disregards mealy-mouthed pleasantries, political spin, that butchery of language that hides too many lies, deceits, carving it all up with simple directness. An empowerment that zoom-fodders the bombardment like lit petroleum streaks, the meaning sometimes obscured, swamped in glistening muscle, dragged on its own yelled inertia like an inarticulate lance that pierces deeper than words ever could.Glad to have you back, boys.
-Michael Rodham-Heaps-