Kayla Cohen‘s Itasca project has been running now for over ten years and has found a comfortable home of Paradise of Batchelors. This is the third album for them and with Robbie Coady of Wand behind the desk, and with assistance from Evan Backer and Evan Burrows as well as Gun Outfit bandmate Daniel Swire, a more guitar-centric sound has been uncovered and shown to the light.
Nobody really sounds like this, the pieces covering some sun-beaten patch that mixes folk, jazz and almost medieval intonations into a melancholic sense of yearning. You can’t help but feel the sadness in places as the voice, though light and chiming with vibrato, still carries the weight of experience. Imaginative and wandering guitar pushes at the limits of the song structures and as they peal above you, so you have to dive further down for the lyrics, half-breathed and swathed in reverb, buoyed on a wave of cymbal wash.
It isn’t all languid and when they have a fire in the belly, there is almost a sense of desperation as if hounded by something ,but always with time to check over the shoulder and if possible breathe a sigh of relief. You sense indecision, yet also a desire to take control; and this ambiguity is very much part of the charm. The willingness of all parties to make room for the capricious instrumental passage says a lot about the respect the players have for Kayla’s songs, imbuing them with dream sequence pace and a constant sense of the unexpected.
-Mr Olivetti-