Krautzone have to be one of my favourite new bands of the last couple of years. Not only are the covers of the albums (by Komet Lulu) so beautifully designed, but the music is powerful, hypnotic, trance-like and just plain out there. Here, we are treated over two CDs to the complete recorded works of the band, plus one never-before released bonus track that gives you enough stoned out vibes for you to go searching the astral plane for a whole evening. All of these releases have been on very limited vinyl editions, so this is a good way to get everything for a fraction of the price the LPs now command.
Part two starts with bubbling synths and lonesome sounding guitar notes suspended in the upper atmosphere and glides over oceans. Drums float around as we get into the band’s deep trance mode. Onkel Kaktus‘s bass is slow and thoughtful, Rainer Neeff’s guitar is otherworldly while the interplay between Sula Bassana and Modufix on synths is pure out-there stunning. The track gurgles away in psychedelic stasis as the guitar tries to break free and head off out into the universe.
“Spiritual Retreat” was a track split over two sides of vinyl, but here we get it in its whole forty-four minute entirety as one massive kosmische slab. The track starts with more tribal rhythms while a slight synth melody plays two notes over the top as the track quickly ascends, building higher in its energies. This is full-blown freak music of the kind that ancient tribes would have swallowed hallucinogens to and danced until dawn. The lead guitar sparkles with stardust refrains as fires lick around the heels of our ancestors. There’s a primal urgency to the music, the psychedelic equivalent of a cave dance. Changes happen within the structure of the track — almost imperceptibly at times, but they do happen. Instruments fall away and bring the whole song down to earth before it snakes its way upwards again. The guitar plays a haunting melody and seems as light as air as it drifts around your speakers. Everything is swathed in warm echo so every note lasts forever like the solar wind. The music feels powerful, full of magic, something from the dawn of time. Bass and drums battle it out as the track begins to try and break the bonds of the Earth.Twenty minutes in and notes hang eerily in the air and the guitar feeds back through tons of delay to give a Syd Barrett feel to its tone. The softer passage hits slightly in to Seventies Tangerine Dream mode (but without the sequencer). They have that same kind of deep space throb to them that connects them with vast worlds out there rather than to the inner plane. The track builds again, this time with some Middle Eastern-sounding guitar fugues and suddenly we are transporting ourselves through Egyptian dunes away from the coldness of space. It becomes a soundtrack to staring at the pyramids at dawn, an organ suspended like the Gardens of Babylon while the drums still push ahead beneath. It slowly winds down in a temple sunset fashion, leaving you space to take in all you have heard and come down from the trip in a mellow way.
This is a great release and the amount of music you get for your money is incredible. I look forward to Krautzone’s next release and just pray that at the end of the day this is not the ‘complete’ works.
-Gary Parsons-