Koko, London
12 June 2012
Been wrapped up in the awesomeness of NWW/SunnO)))‘s collaboration [post=sunnnww text=”The Iron Soul of Nothing”] since New Year, so naturally, I jumped at the opportunity to see both groups together. I was secretly wishing for a stage collaboration of sorts, but it was pretty clear, as Colin Potter, Steve Stapleton, Andrew Liles and somebody else I didn’t recognise on bass (was that Mr Waldron sporting hair!!?) filled the stage, that this was going to be a game of two separate halves.
The proceedings started quite sharpish, with none of the usual waiting around that London gigs seem overly keen on. Nurse with Wound floating out on some desolate hinterland just after 8pm, a tasty bit of nocturnal sound-mongering from all assembled. That slight personal grumble of no weird visuals on offer being quickly eased by the sinister moray patterns purring nicely through my ears; that ethery swirl jutting up against the bowed freight trains and rusty hinged recoil. These guys certainly know a thing or two about creating an atmosphere and this sibilant snaking was shifting around quite (un)pleasantly indeed, scarred in electrical discharge and tectonic quake.
As the vocalist departed the stage, the remaining musical friction climbed out of its sinister posturing to launch headlong into a loose beat-driven showdown, Liles’ guitar going all freakoid, bringing on lots of noisy scribbling from the rest, the angles all over the shop, sounding like a sophisticated redux of “Two Mock Projections” as they flung fantastic colours over the fx(ed) vapours and whirling afterglows. Steve really seemed in the thick of it this time round, writhing some tortured guitar shapes full of squeally pigs and retracted energies, orchestrating a grand finale of gnarled circuits and explosion, to which Mr. Liles added Islamic flute. Stapleton followed up with further vocal jabberings, bringing on parallels to that horse race commentary off The Surveillance Lounge whilst slamming his pick-ups for good measure. The magnitude of this freakout far rougher, more chaotic than the preceding, really got inside your and had a good rifle about, Benjamin returning at its zenith to shout his “Hi Hos” over the top of it all. The music become an intoxicated curdle of over-excitement hurtling into silence, and left me with the stupidest of grins.
Then a blooming of Eastern European vocals crack through the murk, the guitars impaling it on nasty feedback spikes, his growling incantations levelling the ampage to a sizzle. The strange vowel play scintillated the mind as the guitars gathered around it like a plague of flies. For a cherished moment, the light show and smoke conspired to create two gigantic wings that literally sprung above the singer’s back. An epic fail on my part as I failed to get a snapshot of the evidence. A really good show of force, even if the doom-laden theatrics did wear a bit thin after the first hour. It certainly put my previous SunnO))) experience right in the shade.
-Michael Rodham-Heaps-
One thought on “SunnO)))/Nurse with Wound (live at Koko)”
Sunn0)))/Nurse with Wound (live at Koko) – http://t.co/DEbvYv3c http://t.co/DEbvYv3c