The oval oddness of Anaphora’s opener “Pilomotor Reflex” are ace, reversed shivers cerebrally nibbling slowly, beaconing out on a delightful Kraftwerkian romance (minus that detached chill).
A dance of chameleon-like shapes that fluidly viper that dry percussive, an agitated softness for that anti-capitalist narrative to dagger deep, tangle favouringly with your reason. Political / cultural arrows that empathetically grenade throughout the whole of this album, nestled in an exuberant lightness of touch. A considered electronica that nods to all those German greats injected through a pearlescent smile and plenty of analogue chew-ability.
The NEU!-like futurism of “Squirrels Dancing Among Elephants” tinselling a dreamy ambience as it warmly skates across your hemispheres. The hooking halflings of “Tachistoscopic Interval” miraging the bliss like some Michael Rother blancmange of glittering distraction. A sunshine-caught aura that kernels Klaus Dinger, bleeds straight into “Diskonkordanx” and “Ohrwurm”‘s prismed pine-cones that diversely dine on key-fed geometries.Doppelgänging melodics that satisfy, leave “Samfundssind” to salt the soiree further in immersive multiples that snuzzle the serotonin, dandelion the shadows clean away. A point the final track “Happiness Fragment” brightly bubbles as its tempo teases a titillation of taper-torn sharks to flex some seriously sharp philosophical muscle.Mood Taeg’s beam-o-delics are a wonderful thing.
-Michael Rodham-Heaps-