So the economy’s screwed, the world’s still on the brink of war, and far, far more of the people you admire are dead than alive, while everywhere you look there are more racists, fuckheads and idiots than it would be practical to Freepost shitty bricks to. And, as if all that wasn’t bad enough, the bastards have gone and cancelled Community. But you know what? I don’t give a shit. Because Shonen Knife are in town, and that’s all the reasons to be cheerful all at once. Take that, Ian Dury!
The vibe’s good at Dingwall’s as Smallgang blast out their demented take on psychedelic surf-punk. As they finish I’m reminded of a less grumpy Jesus And Mary Chain, only faster. Not really much like Jesus And Mary Chain at all, truth be told, but there’s a similar feel to their punk-pop riot. And then it’s time for the Osaka Ramones, Shonen Knife, who take the stage bearing their ultra-cute towel banners, with a new design this time which reflects the jagginess of the Overdrive album cover, all blacks, reds and spikes. Then it’s straight into “Banana Chips” and joy becomes unconfined.
As do they all – bassist Ritsuko throws all the rock shapes you could want, and plenty of devil horns, and Emi manages to thrash the drums like a monster without ever losing the smile and succumbing to Drummer Face (you know EXACTLY the face I mean. And she doesn’t do it once). Except when she’s briefly (and rather marvellously) replaced by original drummer Atsuko who, we’re informed, hasn’t played with them for fifteen years. And yeah, I was a little shocked to realise that 1999 was fifteen years ago, too.
Obviously the Ramones are a key reference point, but at times you could close your eyes and imagine you were hearing a higher-pitched Black Flag or Bad Religion, only a Black Flag or Bad Religion who weren’t anywhere near as cross, and were on the whole quite happy with stuff and content to have fun. And they ARE having fun. As the front of the crowd dissolves into a flailing mass of limbs and grins, it’s hard to tell whose enthusiasm’s more infectious. Either way, the resulting feedback loop of concentrated HAPPY leaves everyone with a huge shit-eating grin as we all file out into a lovely summer evening.
And you know what? Right now, the world doesn’t seem like such a shit place to be.
Words: -Justin Farrington-
Pictures: -Elaine Kingett-