Suspicion Breeds Confidence – Nyugodt

Label: Frozen Empire Media Format: CD

Nyugodt- sleeve detailNyugodt lurks somewhere in the grey area between dub and electroglitch musique concrete. Noisescapes mix (at times clash) with fractured rhythms. Sometimes closer to the twisted rhythms of Autechre than dub, sometimes almost completely seized by the seething abrasive textures of manipulated noise, the album seldom abandons rhythm completely. And then, beneath the layers of noise the occasional melody manages to surface. Take the track “Das Endgültige Scheitern der Melancholie im Alltag” (which if I can rely on the AltaVista translator is “The Final Failure of Melancholy in Everyday Life). In-between the radio frequencies and out of phase voices a double bass fights it out with the interference.

All of which leaves me wondering if Alec Empire made dub, would it sound like this?


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