It’s all in the trails. In a recent, small-scale, study carried out by researchers at Imperial College London and the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany, participants took LSD and carried out a number of tasks. The experimenters documented the experiences and noted that tasks that required linguistic and semantic application seemed to be particularly affected by the drug, with semantic errors creeping in and extra (-dimensional) bits being added in to fill in the gaps. Schema activation seemed to be key, and the “cascade of associations” were thought to potentially aid creativity, art and the access to “far away concepts stored in the mind.
Hang on; I’m getting to it.
Téléplasmiste seem to work similar veins. Some of the tracks, the opening “A Gift of Unknown Things” and the later “Astodaan”, are exemplar time machines; drones that push apart the neurons and open up new areas, like that mad dancing in The OA, or the savage Sapir-Whorf arsekick that Amy Adams gets in Arrival. These are spirit molecules in sound and they seem designed to play with the same semantic circuits found during the Imperial College experiments, the same Time Machines as Coil uncovered; long, and lean, perpetually phasing in and out. Spacey, in all the good ways. Inner Spacey. And Psychedelick as the day is looooooooooooong. There’s even a startling bit on “Astodaan” that sounds like that sublime terror-squeal / squall at the end of old episodes of Doctor Who.
At least…
Mm. Maybe I shouldn’t have volunteered for that Imperial College study after all. All the squares have looked wonky, ever since.