Hmmm… a Van der Graaf Generator instrumental album eh? For a supposed ‘prog’ band, Van der Graaf Generator have never really gone in for lengthy instrumental passages, preferring to fill their convoluted songs with Peter Hammill’s densely-packed words. Then again, The Graaf, as they’ve seldom affectionately referred to, have never really gone in for the usual ‘prog’ behaviour.
Elsewhere, both “Here’s One I Made Earlier” and “Dronus” could pass as lost krautrock pieces, e-bow guitar and cosmic organ melding into huge floating clouds of toxic mist on a far away planet like something from Tangerine Dream’s Zeit, or in the latter’s case, maybe even something from one of Popol Vuh’s Herzog soundtracks. Of course with a project like this it’s going to be a bit hit or miss, and both “Elsewhere” and “Midnite or So” sound a bit jokey and throwaway with bits of lounge jazz pastiche popping up, and “Repeat After Me” is a bit, well, nice. Even these pieces have their moments though, and it certainly sounds like the guys are having great fun.
“Extractus” sounds like the formative idea for an interesting song riff, as does “Tuesday, the Riff,” the latter almost approaching Southern Lord territory, although presumably such potential songs have already been discarded for these snatches to turn up here. Opening track “Earlybird” on the other hand appears to be Guy Evans improvising along to a bird singing outside the window.Just about the only sound absent from Alt is the sound of progressive rock musicians showing you how well they can play. For that alone, it comes pretty highly recommended. It’s genuinely refreshing to hear three sexagenarians still reaching out for new and stimulating sounds rather than falling back on old habits like the majority of their contemporaries. Alt will disappoint those looking for a Van der Graaf Generator album a bit like the others, but to those fans who appreciate the spirit rather than technique of the group, it should prove a positive delight… and probably something of a surprise.
-Alan Holmes-
3 thoughts on “Van der Graaf Generator – Alt”
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Album newydd Van der Graaf – “ALT” – wedi’i adolygu gan @TheGroceries:
EarlyBird Project 2014-2015, is a non-profit environmental art project, an appeal for the preservation of the planet. It is the result of the collaboration between the Italian-Russian artist Vladislav Shabalin, who works with fossils, and Peter Hammill, Hugh Banton, Guy Evans, of the British cult art rock band Van der Graaf Generator. Official Site: