Disco Gecko Lower case soundscape composers Toby Marks and Andrew Heath recently found themselves in a fresh part of the UK, looking after a friend’s house and decided to travel north, south, east and west from that point, making recordings and taking aural snapshots of the areas in which they found themselves. Owing to the way in which they both work, the field recordings that they collected form […]
Andrew Heath
Disco Gecko Andrew Heath has been releasing low-key ambient works for the last seven or eight years, first coming to prominence collaborating with Hans-Joachim Roedelius. Although Roedelius is a good indication of what you may expect from Andrew’s work, I would say that it is even lower key, making a lot of use of found sounds and field recordings
Disco Gecko I’m a sucker for this kind of thing. I totally bought into the Planet Dog/Shamanarchy angle as a teenager and still buy in now. This compilation has been put together by Toby Marks AKA Banca de Gaia, one of the heads of the scene in the ’90s, a guy who used to be everywhere, whose music was played at and defined by West Country beach parties […]
Disco Gecko The Sound Of Absence “If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings would there be any sound?” – George Berkeley Have you ever wondered what happens when you’re not around? What Somewhere Else might look like? To look through someone else’s eyes? The limits of knowledge is one of the most frustrating things about being alive – the fact […]