Crammed Discs Brussels in the early ’80s must have been a really cool place to be, with Marc Hollander starting up Crammed Discs just as Tuxedomoon arrive, spreading their stateside art rock sensibilities across the city. Lurking in a bar in the centre was Benjamin Lew, tinkering with an MS-10 and producing his own from found sounds and an experimental outlook. Meeting Tuxedomoon’s Steven Brown was a match […]
Benjamin Lew
2 posts
Crammed Discs That most dashing of European labels, Crammed Discs, is celebrating forty years in the industry, and in keeping with this are engineering a series of reissues, of which the first volume of their Made To Measure albums is at the front. Made To Measure served as an adjunct to the main label, releasing albums that were slightly out of the ordinary, often affiliated with other forms […]