Thrill Jockey There is always an air of mystery surrounding the releases of Marc Richter‘s Black To Comm, and his latest album opens with the most disorientating stumble through memoirs and memories, faded and distressed. His ability to lead the listener gently around the ravages of a stricken mind is never greater than on Ooctye Oil and Stolen Androgens.
Black to Comm
Thrill Jockey Marc Richter has been rather busy as over the last twelve years or so, what with Black To Comm as well as various side projects and commissions for film and theatre, not forgetting helming the Dekorder label. Seven Horses For Seven Kings is Black to Comm’s first album in five years and also the first for Thrill Jockey. Spread over thirteen tracks and at an hour’s length, it […]
three:four . But not only that. I hear a lot of new experimental music, and some of it has as a sound or quality that will wear you out if you listen to full albums. Not necessarily on account of the music itself, which can be very interesting and varied, but some experimentalists tend to use the same approach to the soundscape or palette of sound throughout an […]