London 8 November 2019 Berlin-based avant-garde guitarist Caspar Brötzmann is back in London, touring as Caspar Brötzmann Massaker, his cult power-trio featuring bassist Eduardo Delgado-Lopez and drummer Saskia Von Klitzing. Always a favourite of the experimental guitar crowd, he arrives after having supported SunnO))) in Europe and is having a resurgence of interest due to Southern Lord reissuing the majority of his back catalogue.
Caspar Brötzmann Massaker
3 posts
Southern Lord Next up in Southern Lord‘s Caspar Brötzmann Massaker re-issue series are albums three and four, and once again on album three, the line-up has changed a little. Der Abend Der Schwarzen Folklore was originally released in 1992, three years after Black Axis, and Frank Neumeier had made way for Danny Lommen on drums. The intervening years and the final track on Black Axis must have caused […]
Southern Lord After listening to these first two re-issues in a planned series, I can see why Southern Lord would want to be responsible. Thirty years after their initial releases, their legacy lives on in the sound and sweep of various members of the Southern Lord roster both past and present.