The music here thistles a composed and crafted ambience, eagerly pulling at its constraints. A flush of triggering sensibilities that are masterfully dark. Weaving energies tied to the spherical-shaped symphonics of the next track, "Mono No Aware". Sonics that seem to bounce off the stern-faced circles of samurai on the cover, spilling over in semaphore pulses and torn keystrokes.
Coming to Repeater Radio on 21 December 2022 from 11:00 GMT / UTC will be a rewind and more of the Live and Indirect Sessions co-curated by Freq and Drift of Signifieds so far this year, plus a few extras such as ekslusive Ekoclef and Ekoplekz live sets too. Discord link for the lounge. Schedule (may be altered at the last minute!): Time Artist Session 11:00:00 DJ Rottenmeats Mix 1 […]
This time (more or less) next week will see the launch of a Freq channel on Repeater Radio. UPDATE: The whole thing will be repeated from noon GMT on Sunday 26 December 2021; see below for times. We’re launching with a of the winter solstice, from 12:00 to 03:00 (GMT). There will be all manner of participants, many offering up live and indirect sessions – where the music […]
Faustus As on Daona‘s startling debut album The Secret Assembly, this duo love to weird you out, inject you with a swaying unease and mess with your expectations. The vaporous vampires and ghostly cinematics that glue up the action on Nightside Of Eden are like midnight’s children creeping the architecture a glint in their eyes that’s nothing to do with the moon.
Faustus It’s not often you encounter a record as wonderfully diverse and sonically satisfying as this one by relatively unknown (to me at least) London duo Daona. Every single moment of this gem sparkles with conviction, eats into your consciousness