Oh, a festival of ugly music - how could I refuse? Quite a varied line up too, the action split between two rooms -- the main stage and a cellar-like space further into the venue.
Gnaw Their Tongues
Consouling Sounds OK, a brief history lesson. In the fourteenth century, a man named Tamerlane, who dreamed of restoring the glory of Genghis Khan‘s Mongol empire, laid waste to big fuck-off tracts of Europe, Asia and Africa. Calling himself “the Sword of Islam” and “the Scourge of God”, Tamerlane built towers from the skulls of his enemies.
Black Plague Operating at the intersection between the dingiest of dark ambient, noise and post-industrial electronic gloom, Hell Follows turns out to be a more spacious affair than Aderlating‘s previous delves into the murk and mire. However, Maurice De Jong (Gnaw Their Tongues, Seirom, Cloak of Altering etc) and Eric Eijspaart leave no drone unturned nor mordant exposition too clearly laid out — while there is now a certain […]
Crucial Blast This is the record that you put on when you are lying entwined with your loved one, the both of you perhaps shimmering in a post-coital afterglow, the bedroom window open, a warm breeze blowing in the faint sounds of summer. Hang on. Actually, no. Sorry. That’s by The Isley Brothers. Rather, this is the record that you put on when a small selection of your […]
Consouling Sounds Joining together for a 19-minute epic on a single side of vinyl (also available as an all-black CD), the skin-crawling, crepuscular misanthropy of Netherlander Mories de Jong meets grim Belgian band Alkerdeel‘s doomy experimental black metal in dark celebration of Counsouling Sounds‘ fifth birthday. What a slathering, slavering beast it turns out to be, comprehensively , riding in on a mordant tide of bass groan and […]
Crucial Blast (CD)/Consouling (vinyl) In a media landscape where seemingly every mainstream early-evening crime drama routinely features grisly post-mortem footage of dissected cadavers and high-definition CGI renderings of the paths of wounds and injuries being inflicted as seen from inside the body, is it any wonder that artists such as Gnaw Their Tongues want to push the sonic envelope of morbidity? Just as slickly-sick splatterfests like the Saw […]