Buried Treasure For Buried Treasure‘s eighth anniversary, head honcho and all around good guy Alan Gubby has corralled a veritable feast of artists and fellow travellers to lay down some tracks in celebration of what must be one of the most eclectic rosters around. Octocorallia is a veritable smorgasbord of sound that moves from slow burn ambience to more dancefloor-friendly energy grabbers while meandering through overlooked and , […]
Haig Fras
2 posts
Buried Treasure Named after a sunken granite reef in the Celtic sea, Haig Fras takes this remote place as a source of inspiration, to sonically spill in a subterfuge of folding texture and swifting aquatics bleached in a Derek Jarman-esque gleam. Part Urthona, part Téléplasmiste, Neil Mortimer and Mark Pilkington seamlessly blend a perfect whole here, giving a salty glimpse of things to come (I do believe).