blindblindblind The first side of I Feel Like A Bombed Cathedral‘s W LP unfurls as if picking up from where Amaury Cambuzat’s last solo outing ended. A sound that slowly blooms in the ear, the muted grey/blue hues of the cover and its emergent greens curling round its gathering complexity as the thumping heartbeat at its core is steadily eroded.
I Feel Like A Bombed Cathedral
2 posts
Dio Drone / Dirter Promotions About a year ago, we discussed a pioneering piece of Harvard University research, Thorsten A Cardy’s 2005 work “An Experimental Field Study of Ambient And Drone Based Music on Temporal Perception in Higher Mammals”. (The Annals of the American Academy of Auditory Zoology), which demonstrated how extreme ambient / drone music stimulates the part of the brain called Shatner’s Bassoon, which is the […]