All Saints Spinner is an oddity, even in Brian Eno’s vast back catalogue; the music was originally conceived as the soundtrack to Derek Jarman’s film Glitterbug, a posthumously released compilation of old super 8 film that had been gathered together as the director was dying of AIDS.
John Cale
3 posts
Double Six / Domino This is a very welcome reissue of John Cale‘s 1992 solo live album and on listening to it again, I am struck by various things. We know him so well as producer — The Stooges, Nico, Jonathan Richman, Patti Smith, etc — and as a collaborator (Lou Reed, Terry Riley, Brian Eno, Spedding, LaMonte Young, etc), but what this album shows us is just […]
Llanberis Slate Museum 25 March 2011 to 3 Aril 2011 It was a soul-destroying experience to grow up in Wales back in the seventies in the knowledge that your entire country had only ever produced one single role model of any value. The frustration was further compounded by the fact that hardly anyone here seemed to have even heard of him, certainly not the Welsh media, and the […]