Jono Podmore has been at the studio controls of a host of musicians and bands since the 1990s, also releasing music as Kumo and as part of the all-analogue ensemble Metamono with Mark Hill and Paul Conboy. Jono is Professor of the Practice of Popular Music at the Musikhochschule in Cologne, where he runs the MA course in Production.
Jono Podmore
3 posts
Unbound Barely a biography, but… to say this book is a labour of love would be misleading; love is typically überflüssig. This is a labour of precision. And when I say it’s unsentimental, I don’t mean it’s lacking in affection; rather this is a sober, reasoned, and concise exegesis on Jaki Liebezeit‘s work. For good reason, the theme of überflüssig haunts much of it.
Psychomat Swantje Lichtenstein‘s streams of (found) consciousness are half-audible, semi-comprehensible on “Miss Slipper” and “Lewes”, rendered as if perceived in a dreamstate interior monologue bouncing between dormant ears before awakening with a start.