Jeshimoth Entertainment Jute Gyte are somewhere out on the periphery of metal doing something that could probably best be described as “amazing”. It’s a one-man project of Adam Kalmbach, who has taken a look at metal and gone “I wonder what happens if I make something that’s a bit black metal, but using microtonal serialism” and then done exactly that.
Jute Gyte
2 posts
Blue Tapes and X-Ray Records Metal isn’t a particularly progressive genre, in a lot of ways; for all the fluff that people throw at it, musicologically speaking, it’s rarely divested itself of fairly conventional tonalities, regular 4/4s, flattened out timbres and limited melodies. I appreciate that’s kind of “the thing” that makes metal and as someone who doesn’t really like metal it’s unfair for me to tar it […]