I’m pleasantly caught in the curling correspondence that Neil Mortimer and Mark Pilkington are brewing here, that syncopated-straight-jacket slowly loosening ,envelope-slipping and jangle-frosted. Its drifting contours are reborn in a looped simplification as strummed guitar falls on through, throwing a shoegazery sparkle into the mix.
Luminous Foundation
2 posts
Honeystreet, Wiltshire 1 August 2019 Nestled within the rolling Pewsey downs, tonight’s debut from Luminous Foundation (a freshly inked joust between Téléplasmiste’s Mark Pilkington and Urthona’s Neil Mortimer) takes place at The Barge Inn, one of the few Wiltshire country pubs that have escaped gentrification, a canal side drinkery and campsite that’s always been the home of the interesting, conspiratorial and now danceable electronics.