Thrill Jockey After the two recent collaborations in which Marisa Anderson took part, it is now her time to tackle another solo album, and using the momentum from those, has turned inward to articulate her thoughts and emotions at a time when she has been able to play live for the longest period of her career.
Marisa Anderson
3 posts
Thrill Jockey William Tyler‘s folky Americana has graced releases by Lambchop and Silver Jews as well as his increasingly assured solo releases. Marisa Anderson treads similar ground on her own records, although the recent collaboration with drummer Jim White did lead down some exciting improv avenues. The eight tracks presented on Lost Futures rely on the interplay of Marisa and William’s differing approaches to the guitar, William often […]
Thrill Jockey The photograph of Jim White and Marisa Anderson in the studio that adorns the inside sleeve of The Quickening says a lot of what you need to know about this album. The pair face one another, playing in real time, but they are intent on their instruments.