The first release in four years under the Møster! moniker finds Kjetil Møster and his compadres stretching ever further the refinement of their genre-hopping sound. With more production work being taken on by Jørgen Træen, the quartet finds itself freer to pursue the ultimate in cross-pollination. With jazz as a distant reference point which seems to recede into the background, the album opens with a flourishing whirl of strings, wavering horns and an impending sense of drama, but soon breaks free and the quirky instrumentation and unexpected directions pull the listener in.
2 posts
Hubro This third release from Møster! shows them in good from, even better than before. On the previous album, Inner Earth, they tried to move closer to prog, but with this album a more confident style is apparent. Although it is , a clear signature of the band flows distinctly throughout the album.