Nomark Warning: this review will be extremely biased as I think Amon Tobin is dope as hell. Coming back from my dad’s during my younger years entailed many long bus trips on the 76 towards Waterloo station. To help pass the time, Dad would lend me his old iPod, and give me albums to fill my ears with as I gazed out of the window at the swarming […]
Raul Solomons
Strut The prolific catalogue of venerable jazz legend and cosmic child Sun Ra is such that there are always new discoveries to be made. His output is so voluminous that one might struggle to find a place to start. The flipside of this is that new cabochons are being discovered under the floorboards all the time. Here is yet another facet to the collection. The reissue of 1978’s […]
London 26 January 2019 After having previously reviewed The Radiophonic Workshop as my first outing for Freq, I this time had the honour of seeing live someone whom you could refer to as a true musical pioneer – I humbly bore witness to the innovative genius of Michael Rother on stage.
The Royal Albert Hall, London Saturday 26 May 2018 Hi. I’ll be conducting today’s gig review. Yeah. The Radiophonic Workshop were live at the Royal Albert Hall’s Elgar Room last week, and because occasionally somebody buys me tickets to this sort of thing and drags me off with them, I was lucky enough to get to go and see the show. Little did I know that, this time, there […]