The latest release from our favourite pastoral bedroom psychedelicist finds Robert Sotelo in the esteemed company of Mary Currie where they weave four treatsome tales from the heart and mind.
Robert Sotelo
Robert Sotelo‘s latest LP Celebrant comes out to the world via the good offices of Upset The Rhythm. A keen self-interviewer and lateral-thinking artiste, Robert has taken a moment or twelve to guide the listener through each song on Celebrant, giving a personal touch to each number.
Upset The Rhythm In their quest for world domination, Upset The Rhythm are going great guns with their release schedule. The latest two tasty treats to arrive are from opposite ends of the sonic spectrum and from both sides of the Atlantic.
The month that his new LP Infinite Sprawling is released on Upset The Rhythm, Robert Sotelo is interviewed by Andrew Doig on life, the creative process and new release anxiety.
London 5 December 2018 The good people at Upset The Rhythm have been trading for fifteen years now and the calibre of artists that they have to play seems to improve with every year. It feels as though they made their home at The Islington and tonight’s treats for the ears teamed UTR friend and recording artiste Robert Sotelo with Canadian guitar legend and Constellation label stalwart Eric Chenaux.
Nicey Music Once again, that pseudonym of modern psychedelia and bedroom recording, Robert Sotelo is on the loose, this time firing out a missive courtesy of the good people at Nicey Music. This current cassette only release finds our enigmatic songwriter testing himself by writing solely on electronic keyboards
A quick catch-up with Robert Sotelo Dan Bolger of The Pheremoans and The Bomber Jackets talks to Robert Sotelo about his new cassette and digital release, Botanical. I first met Andrew Robert Doig (AKA Robert Sotelo) in 2004, when we moved in to the same flat in Dalston. He was in what seemed then to be about a thousand bands, playing guitar mostly, facing an amp. He was hardly the […]
Upset The Rhythm If you went ahead and read the lovely interview with Robert, published in this august journal, you will have already learnt a few intriguing things about this unique talent, one of which is that Sotelo is a pseudonym. A pseudonym under which it has been possible for the artist (I won’t name him as it doesn’t seem necessary, but you can find out if you […]
Ahead of the launch of Robert Sotelo‘s début album, Cusp, Iotar interviewed Sotelo while he was in Buenos Aires from his new abode in Graz, Austria. They talked about the drift away from a London-centred culture, the glorious meaninglessness of great pop and much more that is pertinent.