Birmingham 30 August – 1 September 2024 Being comprehensive with festival reviews is always a nightmare, so apologies upfront for those I missed. I’d like to blame part of that on the venues being just a smidge further away from each other that I’d like, and one of them being an O2 (and therefore a faff). Not to downplay the festival — lots of good work gone into […]
The Body
What we don’t get, thankfully, is simply a The Body album with Dis Fig’s devastating wails atop their usual bludgeoning hellscapes. Instead, their two styles merge symbiotically, folding into each other in a totally seamless way. It makes sense. Both are interesting in creating blown-out, incinerated landscapes of noise, and walking the line between self-flagellation and catharsis.
Thrill Jockey The bringing together of Montreal’s Big|Brave and Portland’s The Body has produced a gratifying collision culminating in a series of tales taking in slow, ancient folk and creeping, hypnotic post-metal in equal measure, laying them bare and then piling noise and heartache into the mix to provide an album that enthrals ever more with repeated listens. On Leaving None But Small Birds, this temporary seven-piece has […]
Thrill Jockey Their second collaborative album finds The Body and Full Of Hell colliding into a molten lava field of brutality and raw emotional outpourings the like of which pulls teeth and punches metaphorical guts with nihilistic abandon.
No One Deserves Happiness Thrill Jockey Here’s a concept to consider: The Body have dubbed their latest misanthropic missive No One Deserves Happiness as “the grossest pop album of all time”, and they may just be right. Roping in Chrissy Wolpert and Maralie Armstrong from the Assembly of Light Choir to provide a more melodic vocal counterpoint to Chip King‘s enthusiastically atavistic yelping, the duo also utilise a range […]
The Black Heart, The Underworld, The Electric Ballroom London 26-27 April 2014 Desertfest is an event that takes place over three venues in three days. It is a sprawling monster that is there to bludgeon the ears of its attendees as much as possible with every conceivable manner of riff to be explored. This was my first experience of the festival, and I have to say it was […]