The Peel Sessions Live Queen Elizabeth Hall, The South Bank Centre, London 3 June 1999 The ongoing, haphazard selection by John Peel for his live Sessions continues with the welcome return of Stereolab to live performance after an absence of a year or so. Peel compères in his usual style, jovial, knowing, knowledgable and slightly diffident, broadcasting (hopefully) the existence of the Neoist Necrocard to a national radio […]
The Peel Sessions Live
2 posts
The Peel Sessions Live Queen Elizabeth Hall,The South Bank Centre, London 19th March 1999 John Peel‘s here! John fucking Peel’s here! And he’s still the coolest old guy in England! For his Peel Sessions Live gigs, he’s chosen to host a Digital Hardcore Night! AT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH HALL! How the fuck does that work? It’s all seated, y’see, as are we all when Christoph de Babalon does his extended noise track. […]